
Frequently Asked Questions

         What is ASEA™?

    ASEA™ is an immune boosting molecular complex consisting of reactive molecules, all native to the human body and naturally balanced. These molecules include a perfect balance of antioxidant enhancers that are balanced to support  the immune system, detoxify the body and protect and fortify healthy tissue.

    What are reactive molecules?

    Reactive molecules are either active electron acceptors (prone to take on electrons) or electron donors (prone to give up electrons).  When these two classes of molecules are chemically balanced in our body, our immune systems can function at its optimal level.

    How do these reactive molecules work?

    There are two major roles for these reactive molecules in the body. First, they pair up with the natural antioxidants already in our body to help detoxify and fortify healthy tissue. Secondly, they supply the raw materials that the immune system needs in order to perform its natural function to detect and destroy harmful invaders and damaged cells.

    How much ASEA™ should I take?

    ASEA™ has been proven to be entirely non-toxic at any reasonable dose. It can be taken orally, applied topically or inhaled without causing irritation. The recommended maintenance amount is 4 oz. per day for adults. ASEA™ is not recommended for pregnant or breast feeding women. Consult with a physician if you are sensitive to salt intake.

    Can I apply ASEA™ to my skin, scrapes,  cuts, or burns?

    ASEA™ is a natural disinfectant and anti microbial and yet is soothing to the touch. ASEA™ can be used in a spray bottle for use on scrapes, burns and abrasions  and can be liberally sprayed on the skin and will not cause irritation. ASEA™ contains a very small amount of chlorine. If you are allergic to chlorine, it is not recommended for use on the face. As always, consult a physician if there are any concerns.

    Is ASEA™ safe?

    Testing has shown ASEA™ to be entirely safe and non-toxic no matter how it is consumed or applied. It has shown literally zero endotoxicity, cytotoxicity, and  genotoxicity (mutagenic properties) in all 16 years of studies that were performed. Consult with a physician if you are sensitive to salt intake.

    Is ASEA™ safe for pregnant for breast feeding women?

    It is not generally recommended that ASEA™ or any  nutraceutical supplement be consumed by pregnant or breast feeding women. No research has been done (or will be done) to show safety for the developing fetus or infant.

    Due to the native character of the reactive molecules in  ASEA™, no toxic reaction is expected if accidentally ingested by breast feeding mothers. Consult a physician if there are any concerns or questions.

    Can I drink ASEA™ if I am taking medications?

    ASEA™ has not shown any negative interactions with any known medications so far. ASEA™ is a native supplement. The body already naturally contains large amounts of the reactive molecules found in ASEA™. Adding more of these reactive molecules is not expected to interfere with the action of any medication. Consult with a physician if there are any concerns or questions. Consult with your physician if you have a condition where you have been told that increased salt intake might affect your blood  pressure.

    Have any clinical trials been conducted on ASEA™?

    ASEA™ is a nutritional supplement. Besides extensive safety and antimicrobial testing, no other studies have or must be performed. ASEA™ does not claim to mitigate, prevent or cure any disease. ASEA™ simply contains the raw materials that our body and the immune system need to help protect us and defend us. There is extensive evidence, based on studies done on the individual reactive molecules contained in ASEA™, that these reactive molecules are indeed produced and used in large amounts by the  body and the immune system. The role that these reactive molecules play in the body is becoming increasingly well understood and is actively  being studied all over the world.

    Is there any research on the benefits of ASEA™?

    The reactive molecules contained in ASEA™ are being studied world-wide by an ever-growing group of scientists. These reactive molecules have been shown to play a fundamental role in basic body functions, specifically those native to the immune system. Specific expected benefits include: arming the native antioxidants in the body in their fight against stray toxins and oxidants, increasing the nascent oxygen production in the cells, reducing oxidative stress, better efficiency of the immune system mechanisms and then there is the direct disinfectant action for topical  applications. Some search words would be antioxidants and oxidative stress.

    Is it beneficial to drink ASEA™ along with antioxidants?

    ASEA will significantly enhance the action of the antioxidants already in your body. The reactive molecules in ASEA™ have been shown to more than double the efficiency of vitamin C in the laboratory. It is recommended that ASEA™ be taken along with the other vitamin supplements that your body needs.

    Can I take more than the recommended amount of ASEA™?

    Occasionally taking more than the recommended amount of ASEA (two or three times over the  recommended amount) will not cause concern.  Return to the regular  maintenance amount when the condition no longer requires it  Please check with your physician if there is any intolerance to salt (Sodium or Chorine).

    Why does ASEA™ contain a slight aroma and taste of chlorine?

    The process that produces ASEA™ produces several compounds that contain Chlorine that are native to the body. This accounts for the slight Chlorine smell and taste. ASEA™ has no added chlorine, it is made from pure water and salt. The slight smell and taste of chlorine comes from a natural form of chlorine created by processing during the creation of the reactive molecules.

    This form of chlorine is similar to the forms of chlorine created natively in the body during metabolism and immune system function. Unlike the chlorine added to municipal water supplies, this form of chlorine is not irritating, even to the eyes. It helps the body protect  healthy cells, is naturally eliminated by enzymes inside your body, and is beneficial. You have several liters of this form of chlorine naturally inside your body, it forms an essential part of your immune system and healing response.

    What is the difference between ASEA™ and alkaline water?

    ASEA™ is not alkaline water. ASEA™ is specifically formulated to be a stable form of the native reactive molecules produced by the mitochondria inside every  cell in your body. It requires an ultra pure water and sodium chloride solution that undergoes a complex multi step electrochemical process that requires three or more days in the making. It is much more than a simple electrolysis process; complex chemistry and physics is involved in the production process with tightly controlled production parameters (temperature, concentration, flow, etc.). This specific stable mixture is designed to safely and effectively support the immune system and healing functions.

    In contrast, most alkaline waters on the market are produced by hooking up ordinary tap water to an electrolysis chamber that filters the water and separates it into its alkaline and acidic components. The Alkaline water comes out one side and is generally unstable over time.  The acidic water comes out the other side and is generally dangerous to ingest, but can be used as a cleaning solution. Although there may be some characteristics in common with the action of alkaline water and ASEA™ in the body (as ASEA™ contains most of the components that could be found in alkaline water), they are two distinct and separate products designed for distinct and separate purposes. 

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